Sunday 26 January - The Third Sunday after Epiphany
11.00am Sung Mass
6.00pm Mass
Wednesday 29 January
12.00noon Rosary
12.30pm Mass
Friday 31 January
12.00 Service of Reflection with healing ministries, followed by lunch
Saturday 1 February
10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open
12.30pm Mass
Sunday 2 February - The Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas)
11.00am Procession and Pontifical Mass, followed by lunch
6.00pm Mass
All are welcome to any of our services.
Nehemiah 8:2-4,a,5-6,8-10
Part of Psalm 19 R/ You words, O Lord, are spirit and life.
1 Corinthians 12:12-30
Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 (pages 975-978 of the Sunday Missal)
The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, otherwise known as Candlemas, will be celebrated on NEXT SUNDAY. Bishop Paul will be with us to celebrate and preach at the morning Mass that day, and we will be joined by our friends from St Nicholas that morning.
Mass will be followed by a parish lunch, and we look forward to that opportunity to spend time together. Do please sign the list at the back of church if you would like to join the lunch so that we know how much food to prepare. There is no charge for lunch, but donations will be invited towards the cost.
Malachi 3:-4
Part of Psalm 24
Hebrews 2:14-18
Luke 2:22-40 (pages 1119-1121 of the Sunday Missal)