Services and notices for week beginning Sunday 14 July


Sunday 14 July - Seventh Sunday after Trinity

11.00am Sung Mass

6.00pm Mass

Monday 15 July

9.00am Morning Prayer

Tuesday 16 July

9.00am Morning Prayer

12.30pm Mass

Wednesday 17 July

9.00am Morning Prayer

12.00noon Rosary

12.30pm Mass

7.00pm Concert - see below

Thursday 18 July

9.00am Morning Prayer

Friday 19 July

9.00am Morning Prayer

5.30pm Evening Prayer

Saturday 20 July

10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open

12.30pm Mass

Sunday 21 June - Eighth Sunday after Trinity

11.00am Sung Mass

6.00pm Mass

All are welcome to any of our services.



Coventry Music Hub hosts a recital on Wednesday evening for students to showcase the progress they have made and gain valuable performing skills. Students who have received the Sir Charles Barrett award will be among those performing.
The recital is free to attend, but with a collection for the Sir Charles Barrett Memorial Foundation. Please do come along and support our young musicians and this great charity, doing crucial work in supporting young musicians across the city.