Services and notices for week beginning Sunday 7 July


Sunday 7 July - Sixth Sunay after Trinity 

11.00am Sung Mass

6.00pm Mass

Monday 8 July

9.00am Morning Prayer

Tuesday 9 July

9.00am Morning Prayer

12.30pm Mass

Wednesday 10 July

9.00am Morning Prayer

12.00noon Rosary

12.30pm Mass

Thursday 11 July

9.00am Morning Prayer

Friday 12 July

9.00am Morning Prayer

5.30pm Evening Prayer

Saturday 13 July

10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open

No Mass today. 

Sunday 14 June - Seventh Sunday after Trinity

11.00am Sung Mass

6.00pm Mass

All are welcome to any of our services.



The Glastonbury Pilgrimage takes place this coming Saturday. As Fr Dexter will be there as part of that pilgrimage, there will be no Mass here that day.


Fr Dexter delivered our collected donations to the Foodbank this pas week. In total, 41.1 kg of donations were collected. Thank you to everyone who contributed to that total.

We continue to collect for the Foodbank, which currently has a need of : Condiments, Biscuits, Jam, UHT Long Life Milk, Washing Powder, Male and Female Toiletries. Please do put any contributions into the bin at the back of church.