Services and notices for week beginning Sunday 23 June


Sunday 23 June - Patronal festival

11.00am Sung Mass, followed by parish lunch

6.00pm Mass

Monday 24 June

9.00am Morning Prayer

Tuesday 25 June

9.00am Morning Prayer

12.30pm Mass

Wednesday 26 June

9.00am Morning Prayer

12.00noon Rosary

12.30pm Mass

Thursday 27 June

9.00am Morning Prayer

Friday 28 June

9.00am Morning Prayer

12.00noon Service of Reflection with healing ministries, followed by lunch

5.30pm Evening Prayer

Saturday 29 June

10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open

12.30pm Mass

Sunday 30 June - Fifth Sunday after Trinity

11.00am Sung Mass

6.00pm Mass

All are welcome to any of our services.



We celebrate the feast of our patron saint today, and give thanks for his patronage and his prayers for us. Do join us for lunch in the hall after the morning Mass as we continue our celebration.    


Thank you to everyone who has signed up to go to the Glastonbury Pilgrimage on Saturday 13 July.

We should be able to arrange shared transport for the day, and Fr Dexter will speak to people about that in due course.

If you are going, do please note two things:

· You will need to buy a service booklet to be able to enter the Abbey grounds. These cost £11 and can be bought on the day

· It is advisable to take a packed lunch, as the local cafés get very busy. Picnics within the Abbey are a common sight on this day!


For some time now, we have been using the Jerusalem Bible translation for the readings at Mass. However, later this year we will move to a new translation of the Holy Bible for readings at Mass. The English Standard Version is praised for its word-for-word accuracy and its elegance when read aloud. It builds on the tradition of the Authorised Version of the Bible (often known as the ‘King James ‘version).

We are planning to buy a four-volume set and a Book of the Gospels. The Lectionary Books will be used at every celebration of the Mass, and the Gospel Book will be used at every Sung Mass. The new books will not only offer a more faithful translation of the Scriptures but are also set out in a very clear way for the reader.

We have already received a very generous donation towards the cost of these new books. If you would like to help with this and make a donation, please speak to Fr Dexter or to David Fletcher.


We are very pleased that we are now able to have the church open on Friday afternoons , and are keen to ensure that the church is open as much as possible to enable people to come in and pray or just to enjoy our beautiful church.

Could you spare some time in the week to help keep the church open? If you could, please speak to Fr Dexter.


We are pleased to be able to host again the exhibition of art work created by students from the Sidney Stringer Multi Academy Trust. This will take place between 2 and 4 July. All are welcome to view the exhibition.

Please note that because of that exhibition, there will be no weekday services between Monday 1 July and Friday 5 July.