Services and notices for week beginning Sunday 16 June


Sunday 16 June - Third Sunday after Trinity

11.00am Sung Mass

5.30pm Evening Prayer

6.00pm Mass

Monday 17 June

9.00am Morning Prayer

Tuesday 18 June

9.00am Morning Prayer

1.15pm Bablake School concert (no Mass today)

Wednesday 19 June

9.00am Morning Prayer

12.00noon Rosary

12.30pm Mass

Thursday 20 June

9.00am Morning Prayer

Friday 21 June

9.00am Morning Prayer

5.30pm Evening Prayer

Saturday 22 June

10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open

12.30pm Mass

Sunday 23 June - Patronal festival 

11.00am Sung Mass, followed by parish lunch

5.30pm Evening Prayer

6.00pm Mass

All are welcome to any of our services.



We will celebrate the feast of our patron saint NEXT SUNDAY. As part of that celebration, we will host a parish bring-and-share lunch in the hall after the morning Mass. Please sign the list at the back of church if you are able to contribute something to that occasion.


The Glastonbury Pilgrimage takes place on Saturday 13 July, and this year marks the centenary of the pilgrimage.

Bishop Paul will preside at this year’s pilgrimage, and it would be good to have a group from the parish taking part.

Please sign the list at the back if you are interested in attending this day pilgrimage, and we will try to arrange shared transport for the day.