Services and notices for week begining Sunday 26 May



Sunday 26 May - Trinity Sunday

11.00am Sung Mass

5.30pm Evening Prayer

6.00pm Mass

Tuesday 28 May

9.00am Morning Prayer

12.30pm Mass

Wednesday 29 May

9.00am Morning Prayer

12.00noon Rosary

12.30pm Mass

Friday 31 May

9.00am Morning Prayer

12.00noon Service of Reflection with healing ministries

5.30pm Evening Prayer

Saturday 1 June

10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open

12.30pm Mass

Sunday 2 June - First Sunday after Trinity

11.00am Sung Mass

5.30pm Evening Prayer

6.00pm Mass

All are welcome to any of our services.



At last week’s annual meetings, Ian Johnston and Patricia Bolton were re-elected as churchwardens. David Fletcher and Julie Chamberlain were re-elected to the PCC and Janet Singh was newly-elected to the PCC. We are grateful to all of them.


Corpus Christi, the day of thanksgiving for the sacrament of Holy Communion, falls this Thursday, 30 May. We are invited to join our friends at St Luke’s, Holbrooks, for a joint celebration that evening at 7.30pm. 


The Coventry North pilgrimage to Walsingham takes place from 13 to 16 August. Those who have booked are now asked for a further £70 towards to cost. Full details will be available soon.