Sunday 22 December - Fourth Sunday of Advent11.00am Sung Mass4.00pm Parish Carol Service followed by seasonal refreshments6.00pm MassTuesday 24 December - Christmas Eve3.00pm Carols round the Crib - a service specially suitable for families with young children7.30pm Vigil Mass with carols11.00pm Midnight Mass with carolsWednesday 25 December - Christmas Day10.00am Mass with carolsThursday 26 December - St Stephen12.30pm MassFriday 27 December - St John the Evangelist12.30pm MassSaturday 28 December - The Holy Innocents10.00am - 12.00noon Church open. Cafe closed today.12.30pm MassSunday 29 December - The Holy Family11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassAll are welcome to any of our services.NOTICESREADINGS AT TODAY’S MASSESMicah 5:2-5aPart of Psalm 80 R/ Bring us back, O God; let your face shine forth, and we shall be saved.Hebrews 10:5-10Luke 1:39-45 (pages 76-77 of the Sunday Missal)CHRISTMAS SERVICES Leaflets giving details of our Christmas services are available at the back of church. Do take them to share with anyone who might like to join us over the Christmas season. READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY’S MASSES1 Samuel 1:20-22,24-28Part of Psalm 84 1 John 3: 1-2, 21-24 Luke 2:41-52 (pages 108-110 of the Sunday Missal)
Sunday 15 December - Third Sunday of Advent11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassTuesday 17 December12.30pm MassWednesday 18 December12.00noon Rosary12.30pm MassThursday 19 December7.30pm ‘Songs of the Solstice’ concertFriday 20 December2.30pm Mass at Earlsdon Park VillageSaturday 21 December10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open with mini food fayre12.30pm MassSunday 22 December - Fourth Sunday of Advent11.00am Sung Mass4.00pm Parish Carol Service followed by seasonal refreshments6.00pm MassAll are welcome to any of our services.NOTICESREADINGS AT TODAY’S MASSESZephaniah 3:14-18Psalm from Isaiah 12 R/ Shout aloud and sing praise, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.Philippians 4:4-7Luke 3:10-18 (pages 72-73 of the Sunday Missal)CHRISTMAS SERVICES Leaflets giving details of our Christmas services are available at the back of church. Do take them to share with anyone who might like to join us over the Christmas season. SONGS OF THE SOLSTICEWe look forward to hosting this concert given by Richard Durrant and others on Thursday. Leaflets promoting this are available at the back of church—do please take them and share them with anyone who might like to join us for this occasion. READERS FOR CHRISTMAS SERVICESIf you would like to read a lesson at the carol service on 22 December, or at any of the Christmas Masses, please sign the relevant list at the back of church.MINI FOOD FAYREWe will hold our mini food fayre again on Saturday morning in the café. Come and find some home-made treats which are being sold in aid of our restoration fund. CHILDREN’S SOCIETY Envelopes from the Children’s Society are available at the back of church for anyone who might like to contribute to this charity. Please return them with your gift at or soon after Christmas. READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY’S MASSES Micah 5:2-5a, part of Psalm 80, Hebrews 10:5-10, Luke 1:39-45 (pages 76-77 of the Sunday Missal)
Sunday 8 December - Second Sunday of Advent11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassMonday 9 December - The Immaculate Conception (transferred)7.30pm Sung Mass at St Luke's, Holbrooks Tuesday 10 DecemberNo Mass todayWednesday 11 December 12.00noon Rosary12.30pm Mass7.30pm Coventry Society meeting in hallSaturday 14 December10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open12.30pm MassSunday 15 December - Third Sunday of Advent 11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassAll are welcome to any of our services.NOTICESREADINGS AT TODAY’S MASSESBaruch 5:1-9Psalm 126 R/ What great deeds the Lord worked for us! Indeed, we were glad.Philippians 1:3-6,8-11Luke 3:1-6 (pages 68-70 of the Sunday Missal)CHRISTMAS SERVICES Leaflets giving details of our Christmas services are available at the back of church. Do take them to share with anyone who might like to join us over the Christmas season. PARISH CHRISTMAS DINNERBalances for the Christmas dinner are due TODAY. Please pay Trish Bolton. THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTIONThe Walsingham Cell will gather at St Luke’s, Holbrooks, to celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary TOMORROW at 7.30pm. All are welcome to join that celebration.SONGS OF THE SOLSTICEWe look forward to hosting this concert given by Richard Durrant and others on Thursday 19 December. Leaflets promoting this are available at the back of church—do please take them and share them with anyone who might like to join us for this occasion. READERS FOR THE CAROL SERVICEIf you would like to read a lesson at the carol service on 22 December, please sign the list at the back of church.READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY’S MASSESZephaniah 3:14-18Psalm from Isaiah 12 Philippians 4:4-7 Luke 3:10-18 (pages 72-73 of the Sunday Missal)
Sunday 1 December - Advent Sunday11.00am Sung Mass 6.00pm MassMonday 2 December 6.30pm Plygain carol service with Cor CymraegTuesday 3 December 12.30pm MassWednesday 4 December 12.00noon Rosary12.30pm MassThursday 5 December 7.00pm Bablake School carol serviceSaturday 7 December 10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open12.30pm MassSunday 8 December - Second Sunday of Advent 11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassAll are welcome to any of our services.NOTICESREADINGS AT TODAY’S MASSESJeremiah 33:14-16Part of Psalm 25 R/ To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 (pages 64-65 of the Sunday Missal)CHRISTMAS SERVICES Leaflets giving details of our Christmas services are available at the back of church. Do take them to share with anyone who might like to join us over the Christmas season. PARISH CHRISTMAS DINNERBalances for the Christmas dinner are due by NEXT SUNDAY. Please pay Trish Bolton. ST NICHOLAS PATRONAL FESTIVALBishop Paul will be with the people of St Nicholas, Radford, to celebrate their patronal festival on Thursday 5 December at 7.00pm. All are welcome to join them. THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTIONThe Walsingham Cell will gather at St Luke’s, Holbrooks, to celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Monday 9 December at 7.30pm. All are welcome to join that celebration.SONGS OF THE SOLSTICEWe look forward to hosting this concert given by Richard Durrant and others on Thursday 19 December. Leaflets promoting this are available at the back of church—do please take them and share them with anyone who might like to join us for this occasion. READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY’S MASSESBaruch 5:1-9Psalm 126 Philippians 1:3-6,8-11 Luke 3:1-6 (pages 68-70 of the Sunday Missal)