Sunday 23 February - The Second Sunday before Lent11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassWednesday 26 February12.00noon Rosary12.30pm MassFriday 28 February12.00noon Service of Reflection with healing ministries, followed by lunchSaturday 1 March10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open with produce sale in hall12.30pm MassSunday 2 March - The Sunday next before Lent11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassAll are welcome to any of our services.NOTICESREADINGS FOR TODAY’S MASSES1 Samuel 26:2,7-9,12-13,22-23 Part of Psalm 103 R/ The Lord is compassionate and gracious.1 Corinthians 15:45-49 Alleluia, alleluia.A new commandment I give to you, says the Lord,that you love one another, just as I have loved you.Alleluia.Luke 6:27-38 (pages 992-994 of the Sunday Missal)PRODUCE STALLWe will hold our next produce stall on Saturday morning in the hall—do come along to try some tasty home-made treats!COLLECTIONThank you to everyone who supports the work of the parish through their giving week by week. Supporting the work of the church through giving is an important part of Christian discipleship. At the morning Mass, a collection is taken during the offertory hymn. If you give by standing order we now have tokens for you to put in the collection to say that you give in that way.We do not take a collection during the evening Mass, but there are collection plates available at the back of church. The digital giving device is available at both Masses. PALM CROSSESPlease bring last year’s palm crosses back before the end of this month so that they can be burned to make the ash for Ash Wednesday. This year, Ash Wednesday falls on 5 March, and Mass will be offered at 12.30pm and 6.00pm that day. READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY’S MASSESSirach (Ecclesiasticus) 27:4-7 Part of Psalm 92 1 Corinthians 15:54-58 Luke 6:39-45 (pages 995-997 of the Sunday Missal)
LENT 2025 AT ST JOHN’S ASH WEDNESDAY – 5 March Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. On this day we will receive ashes on our foreheads during Mass as a sign of our penitence. Mass will be offered at 12.30pm and 6.00pm that day. LENT GROUP This year marks the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea and the Nicene Creed which we recite at Mass each Sunday as a proclamation of our faith. During Lent this year we will use a course developed by the Society exploring key elements of the Creed. We will gather: in person in the hall on Wednesdays 12, 19, 26 March and 2, 9 April after the Mass on Zoom on Thursday evenings 13, 20, 27 March and 3, 10 April at 7.30pm. LENT BOXES Part of our Lenten discipline is to support charitable giving. As part of this discipline, you might like to support one of the two charities that the parish supports by taking their Lent boxes and collecting change in them. The Additional Curates Society supports the nurture of vocations to the priesthood, and helps fund posts for clergy in deprived parishes. The Friends of the Holy Land supports a variety of Christian educational and medical charities in the Holy Land. At this time there is a great need for their work, particularly in Gaza and the West Bank. STATIONS OF THE CROSS During Lent we will offer the chance to walk the Stations of the Cross each Saturday at 11.00am. This simple, prayerful devotion is a way of entering into the mystery of Our Lord’s death for us. Do join us for this as part of our shared Lenten devotion.
Sunday 16 February - The Third Sunday before Lent11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassWednesday 19 February12.00noon Rosary12.30pm MassFriday 21 February2.30pm Mass at Earlsdon Park VillageSaturday 22 February10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open12.30pm MassSunday 23 February - The Third Sunday before Lent11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassAll are welcome to any of our services.NOTICESREADINGS FOR TODAY’S MASSESJeremiah 17:5-8Part of Psalm 1 R/ Blessed the man who has placed his trust in the Lord.1 Corinthians 15:12,16-20Alleluia, alleluia.Rejoice and leap for joy, says the Lord,for behold, your reward is great in heaven. Alleluia.Luke 6:17,20-26 (pages 988-990 of the Sunday Missal)COLLECTIONThank you to everyone who supports the work of the parish through their giving week by week. Supporting the work of the church through giving is an important part of Christian discipleship. At the morning Mass, a collection is taken during the offertory hymn. If you give by standing order and feel embarrassed at putting nothing in the collection, we now have tokens available to say that you give in that way.We do not take a collection during the evening Mass, but there are collection plates available at the back of church. The digital giving device is available at both Masses. PALM CROSSESPlease bring last year’s palm crosses back before the end of this month so that they can be burned to make the ash for Ash Wednesday. This year, Ash Wednesday falls on 5 March, and Mass will be offered at 12.30pm and 6.00pm that day. CHRISM FESTIVAL We are encouraged to join Bishop Paul for his Chrism Festival at Lichfield Cathedral on Monday 14 April. Do save the date! READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY’S MASSES1 Samuel 26:2,7-9,12-13,22-23 Part of Psalm 103 1 Corinthians 15:45-49 Luke 6:27-38 (pages 992-994 of the Sunday Missal)
Sunday 9 February - The Fourth Sunday before Lent11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassWednesday 12 February12.00noon Rosary12.30pm Mass7.30pm Coventry Society meeting in hallSaturday 15 February10.00am - 12.00noon Church and cafe open12.30pm MassSunday 16 February - The Third Sunday before Lent11.00am Sung Mass6.00pm MassAll are welcome to any of our services.NOTICESREADINGS FOR TODAY’S MASSESIsaiah 6:1-2a,3-6Part of Psalm 138 R/ In the presence of the angels I praise you, O Lord.1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Alleluia, alleluia. Follow me, says the Lord, and I will make you fishers of men. Alleluia.Luke 5:1-11 (pages 984-986 of the Sunday Missal)THANK YOUThank you to everyone involved in the preparations for last Sunday. Bishop Paul enjoyed his visit to the parish, and it was good to have such a joyful celebration of Candlemas. MASS OF ST VALENTINESaturday’s Mass will be in honour of St Valentine, and there will be the opportunity to venerate the relic at the end of that Mass. PALM CROSSESPlease bring last year’s palm crosses back before the end of this month so that they can be burned to make the ash for Ash Wednesday. This year, Ash Wednesday falls on 5 March, and Mass will be offered at 12.30pm and 6.00pm that day. CHRISM FESTIVAL We are encouraged to join Bishop Paul for his Chrism Festival at Lichfield Cathedral on Monday 14 April. As last year, the day will include the Chrism Mass, lunch, some teaching from the Bishop, and Benediction. READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY’S MASSESJeremiah 17:5-8Part of Psalm 1 1 Corinthians 15:12,16-20 Luke 6:17,20-26 (pages 988-990 of the Sunday Missal)