Facilities and features
Electric car charging point available
Our Building
Music and Worship
Groups, Courses and Activities
Drench Youth Cafe on Mondays 4-5.30 pm. More details from Steph.
Credit Union provide low-cost loans and financial advice for those who save with them.
phone 02476 998099 or email [email protected]
part of the Coventry & District Credit Union
Ask us during Foodbank Mondays 1-3 pm
Online Bible Study
It's called GLU (GodLovesU) and runs on Fridays 3:30pm-5:30pm
Ask us during Foodbank Mondays 1-3 pm
Mums in MIND = supported playgroup on Fridays 11am-12:30pm
Jigsaw (Stay & Play) on Wednesdays and Fridays - 9am-10:30am
Drench Youth Cafe on Mondays led by our Youth Leader Steph.
Help for Visitors
Other Features
Foodbank provide a 3-day supply of food for those with a valid Foodbank Voucher and ID.
More details here https://www.stcathscov.com/what-we-do
Main Hall available for events and parties £21.50 per hour. More details here https://www.stcathscov.com/copy-of-special-services-hire