Ash Wednesday Communion

for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin, Great Milton
Church Road Great Milton Oxford, OX44 7PN, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion, with Imposition of Ashes, to mark the beginning of Lent.

Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin, Great Milton
Church Road Great Milton Oxford, OX44 7PN, United Kingdom

Common Worship

No service at St Mary’s on Easter Sunday. Please join us at St Peter’s at 9.00 am, or at St James’, Little Milton, at 10.30 am

Compline in Lent

Every Wednesday at for 15 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
St Peter’s Great Haseley
Church Hill Great Haseley Oxford, OX44 7JY, United Kingdom
St Mary the Virgin, Great Milton
Church Road Great Milton Oxford, OX44 7PN, United Kingdom
St James’, Little Milton
Church Hill Little Milton Oxford, OX44 7QB, United Kingdom

During Lent the three churches take it in turns to host this lovely ancient service for the close of the day, lasting about 15 minutes.
12 March St Peter's, Great Haseley
19 March St James', Little Milton
26 March St Mary's, Great Milton
2 April St Peter's, Great Haseley
9 April St James', Little Milton

Come and See

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until

A big, warm open invitation to an adventure in faith and trust!
This is a Lent course prepared by the Diocese of Oxford, with videos and discussion, suitable for all who wish to explore Christian faith.
Wednesdays in Lent, at The Rectory, Great Milton, 7.00pm 
Please let the Rector know if you would like to attend (Simon Cronk, 01844 278349)
Week 1, 12 March - Fashioned from the earth
Week 2, 19 March - The waters of cleansing
Week 3, 26 March - The waters of Salvation
Week 4, 2 April - The water of life
Week 5, 9 April - The breath of God
Week 6, 16 April - New Fire

Family Service

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 45 mins
St Mary the Virgin, Great Milton
Church Road Great Milton Oxford, OX44 7PN, United Kingdom

A non-Eucharistic service with hymns and a short address, suitable for all ages. Stay for refreshments afterwards!

Holy Week

for 7 days, 2 hours, 30 mins
St Peter’s Great Haseley
Church Hill Great Haseley Oxford, OX44 7JY, United Kingdom
St Mary the Virgin, Great Milton
Church Road Great Milton Oxford, OX44 7PN, United Kingdom
St James’, Little Milton
Church Hill Little Milton Oxford, OX44 7QB, United Kingdom

Services in Holy Week:
Palm Sunday (13 April) - 9.00 am Holy Communion, St Mary's, Great Milton
Maundy Thursday (17 April) -7.00 pm Holy Communion, St James', Little Milton
Good Friday (18 April) - 11.00 am Reflection at the Cross, St Mary's, Great Milton
Easter Eve (19 April) - 7.00 pm Easter Vigil, St Peter's, Great Haseley
Easter Sunday (20 April) - 10.30 Family Communion, St Peter's, Great Haseley

BCP Holy Communion

Sunday 27 April 2025 at for 30 mins
St Mary the Virgin, Great Milton
Church Road Great Milton Oxford, OX44 7PN, United Kingdom

The traditional Prayer Book service, with no singing. Held on the fourth Sunday, every three months, in rotation with the other two churches.

Quarterly, on the fourth Sunday in the month, in rotation with the other two churches.

Morning Worship

In February, May, August, November. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin, Great Milton
Church Road Great Milton Oxford, OX44 7PN, United Kingdom

A new monthly non-Eucharistic service for the whole Benefice, on the fourth Sunday, circulating round the three churches. Followed by refreshments.