The "9.30"

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Norbury Church
London Road Hazel Grove (known as 'Norbury Church') Stockport, SK7 4RF, United Kingdom

This is the service if you like informality and modern worship music. The service will have an informal style and will cater to all ages. Children have the opportunity to take part in the service and also to go out and explore their faith through games, crafts, and fun.

Children are welcome to all of our Sunday services but at “9.30” our wonderful kid’s team gathers our children together to learn about Jesus through stories, crafts, and plenty of play. We hope that through our time together, they will come to know God’s love for them.

The music at this service is led by guitar and saxophone and comes from a variety of sources.

Refreshments will be served after this service in the Legh room.

The "11.00"

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Norbury Church
London Road Hazel Grove (known as 'Norbury Church') Stockport, SK7 4RF, United Kingdom

The “11.00” is a more traditional, liturgical service lasting around 60 minutes. Music includes classic and modern hymns led by our wonderful music group.

Holy Communion is celebrated on the first, second, and fourth Sundays.

Refreshments are served from 10.15 in the Legh room, so why not join us for a coffee and chat before the service.

Welcome Cafe

Every Monday at for 2 hours
Norbury Church
London Road Hazel Grove (known as 'Norbury Church') Stockport, SK7 4RF, United Kingdom

Join us on Monday mornings from 10.00 till 12.00 for a hot drink, toast, and a chat.

Places of Welcome are local spaces where everyone can go for a friendly face, a cup of tea and a conversation if and when they need it.

We operate around these 5 values:


We’re open at the same time every week and aim to be accessible and hospitable.


Everyone is welcome, regardless of who you are or what your situation is.


This is a place where we can be present for one another, and actively listen to each other.


We have free refreshments and provide local information.


What are your talents? Whether it’s playing chess, knitting, excellent Rumikub skills, or making the perfect brew, we would love to share something of your experience and your skills.

BCP Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
Norbury Church
London Road Hazel Grove (known as 'Norbury Church') Stockport, SK7 4RF, United Kingdom

A traditional, robed, communion service using Order 2 BCP.

The "8.00"

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Norbury Church
London Road Hazel Grove (known as 'Norbury Church') Stockport, SK7 4RF, United Kingdom

An early morning reflective service that alternates between BCP Holy Communion and Morning Prayer.

This is a still and quiet service and is a perfect space for those who want to come and reflect upon the week.

Messy Church

Monthly. Every Third Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Norbury Church
London Road Hazel Grove (known as 'Norbury Church') Stockport, SK7 4RF, United Kingdom

Norbury Church runs a regular Messy Church service once a month on the third Monday between 3.30 pm and 5.00 pm.

Messy Church is a way of being church for families and others. It is Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.