St Chads Vision

We are a relaxed and informal church family of all generations with a simple goal to see more people, more like Jesus. St Chads has been at the heart of the Romiley community for more than 150 years, many generations of people have shared the conviction that God loves the people of this village and that he calls us to love and serve our community.

Our life together is summed up in three shared goals:

Glorifying God, loving community and following Jesus,

These shared goals anchor us in all that we do.

We gather together to glorify God through our worship on Sundays and Wednesdays and in small groups throughout the week. Prayer forms a foundational part of St Chads, we have opportunities to pray together daily and our prayer events are a highlight of each month. Our worship is informal, unfussy and joyful. Whilst St Chads is much more than a Sunday gathering, everything starts from that point of gathering as God’s family to worship him and put him first.

St Chads is a loving community which loves its community. We seek to serve every generation of Romiley every day of the week. This happens through the many groups which meet through the week at the Guywood Centre, and through our partnerships with the Romiley Lifecentre and the Cherry Tree project.

We are united by our desire to follow Jesus. This is expressed through a shared commitment to the Bible and a desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit, both of these are core to our times together on Sunday, but also throughout our lives at home, work, education and in community. We passionately believe that we need God and that when we ask him to restore, renew and direct our lives, he does. We don’t seek perfection, we’re fine with the messiness of life, we just seek to live in a way that is raw, honest and fixed on becoming more like Jesus