St Matthew's Church. Sunday morning Holy Communion. In church and live streamed.

Every First, Third Sunday at for 45 mins
St Matthew, Haslington
Crewe Road Haslington Crewe, CW1 5RD, United Kingdom

Holy Communion, Common Worship service, with sermon, hymns and prayers.

Bereavement Journey Course, to be held at Christ Church, Wheelock, 7.00pm Tue 26th September, 2023

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
Christ Church, Wheelock, in the cafe area
Christ Church, Wheelock, in the cafe area, Christ Church, Crewe Road, Wheelock, CW11 3RY, CW11 3RY

A nonfaith-based course to help people who have been bereaved and all who everyone who is experiencing grief and loss. It's video input from and experienced bereavement counselling, with time to talk and listen to the experiences of other members in the group. There is no pressure to share. Everyone is welcome and all who have done the course say how they appreciated it and enjoyed it.

St Matthew's church, Holy Communion, Wednesday 10.45 am.

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Matthew's church.
St Matthew's church., St Matthew's church, Crewe Road, Haslington, CW1 5RD

This is now a weekly service of Prayer Book Holy Communion, in church .

St Matthew's church, Sunday Morning worship, and live streamed to our Facebook page.

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 30 mins
St Matthew's Church, Haslington.
St Matthew's Church, Haslington., Crewe Road, Haslington.

Short service, from St Matthew's church, Haslington. Worshippers are welcome in church. The service is also live streamed onto St Matthew's, Haslington and St Michael's, Crewe Green, Facebook page. It is saved to the joint website.

Christ Church, Evening Prayer, (Prayer Book)

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
Christ Church Wheelock
Christ Church Wheelock, Crewe Road Wheelock Sandbach, CW11 3RZ, United Kingdom

A traditional Book of Common Prayer service, with sermon and prayers. Hymns singing to digital music downloaded from Church Near You.

Knit and Natter Group

Monthly. Every First Tuesday at for 2 hours
Christ Church Wheelock
Christ Church Wheelock, Crewe Road Wheelock Sandbach, CW11 3RZ, United Kingdom

A chance to come together to knit, crochet and chat, over tea/coffee and cake. Items are made for young babies in our local hospital.