Facilities and features
Our Building
Thursdays 9am -12 noon, or on request from the Vicar (see contact us form).
Bronze Award from Arocha. We are working towards Silver.
Music and Worship
At our All Age Services on the 1st Sunday of the month.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Meets monthly as a large group, with games and then age appropriate Bible study, relating Biblical wisdom to our lives. A smaller group of older youth meet each week to study the Bible as a discipleship group.
Fantasia is a private provider who operate out of our rooms.
Runs each year from January to April. Please contact us if you are interested in joining us.
Regular over 60s Lunch Club.
Help for Visitors
Other Features
Within St Paul’s are two meeting and function rooms available for hire at reasonable rates. St Paul’s has a large car park and toilet facilities, including a toilet for the disabled, and each meeting room has a kitchen. These rooms are available for hire for private meetings although we no longer host parties. To make a booking enquiry follow the link below and fill in a form or call Lorraine on 07834 198068.