St Mike's March Newsletter

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Cre8_2025_03_03__Youth_Work_Vacancy_Post.png Download

Please find attached the St Mike’s March Newsletter. As always there are plenty of thought-provoking articles plus the usual reminders and alerts, so please take the time to read the newsletter through.

A reminder that it is our final Film Evening of 2025 – ‘Marvellous’ – on Friday 14th March, showing in the Youth Centre or Upper Room, depending on the heating situation! Please arrive for 6.30pm.

May I also remind everyone that it would be lovely if you could email or Whatsapp a photograph of your mum for a ‘collage of mums’ to be shown in our Mothering Sunday service on 30th March. This should be a picture of just your mum – preferably no family groups or similar. Photographs can be digitally cropped if you have no image of her on her own, so don’t be put off sending in a picture! Please email the picture to [email protected] or Whatsapp it to the number on the back of the newsletter (+44 7579 820265) or just do ‘reply’ to this email and I can forward your image. If you don’t have the technology to send in a digital picture, please bring a hard copy in for Sue who can scan it then return it to you unharmed.

Also attached with this newsletter is an advert for a Youth Worker at Cre8.

I write this on Wednesday afternoon having just come inside from a couple of hours gardening. The rainwater gathered in my wheelbarrow is frozen and, despite the swelling buds on the trees and the wonderful spring flowers, I feel as though we have returned to winter. Sadly, Paul and I were away while you all enjoyed ‘summer’ last weekend. Back to my thermals!

All good wishes for the coming week,
