St Mike's Bulletin 09.02.25

09.02.25 Bulletin.pdf Download

We have now said farewell to Epiphany and are entering into our ‘Sundays before Lent’, which means that spring must be around the corner! The snowdrops I have been attempting for years to establish in my garden are finally colonising (what joy!) and tell me that my dormant garden is re-awakening – even some crocuses and hellebores are making their presence known. This time of year in nature is so full of potential. New life, new hope, and warmer and brighter times ahead (particularly, we hope, in the church building!).

Please note the various forthcoming events flagged up in the Bulletin: there is definitely a great deal going on with our church and across the Team Ministry, so why not pick an event or volunteering opportunity you might not normally try, and give it a go!

Just a few reminders from previous weeks:

we are still looking for a new Secretary to the Church Council; Barbara and Heike would value any more offers of help with the forthcoming Services of Prayer for Healing and Wholeness (scheduled for 21st March, 27 June, 12 September, 28 November - all Fridays and all beginning at 11.00am). You could contact Barbara or Heike directly or reply to this email and I will forward your interest to them.

All good wishes for the coming week,
