Please find attached the Bulletin for the coming week.
It’s an exciting time for us at St Mike’s as work on our long-awaited and rigorously planned new lighting system will begin on Monday 13th January. This will have major implications for access to the Worship Area (nave) and Flower Vestry on weekdays.
Please read the accompanying document carefully as it covers all you need to know regarding how we will be affected: weekday parking constraints, café opening, midweek services, etc. If there are unanswered questions, please ask one of our Wardens (Rachel or Matt) to clarify.
The work will last approximately 8 weeks. We do ask for your forbearance – it will be worth it in the end!
If you come along to the Friday morning Contemplative Prayer session, please note that this will take place on Saturday mornings for the duration, as it is highly unlikely that there will be silence on Friday mornings in church and quiet contemplation to a backcloth of hammering and drilling won’t be easy! Apologies to those who can’t come on Saturdays, but this seems the best option.
It would be great if as many as possible could assist in moving items out of the Worship Area after Sunday morning’s service.
Please note that Choral Evensong on Sunday at 6.30pm includes Bishop Sam formally welcoming Revd Vivien Gisby as an Associate Minister at St Michael’s. Bishop Sam will also be preaching.
And finally – the date for the third film evening (Sing-along-a-Mama Mia – by popular demand last year (don’t blame me!)) - has now been fixed: 28th Feb. All film dates are advertised in the Bulletin itself. Please sign up if you are coming along to any or all of them.
All good wishes,