Compline in Lent

Every Wednesday at for 15 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
St Peter’s Great Haseley
Church Hill Great Haseley Oxford, OX44 7JY, United Kingdom
St Mary the Virgin, Great Milton
Church Road Great Milton Oxford, OX44 7PN, United Kingdom
St James’, Little Milton
Church Hill Little Milton Oxford, OX44 7QB, United Kingdom

During Lent the three churches take it in turns to host this lovely ancient service for the close of the day, lasting about 15 minutes.
12 March St Peter's, Great Haseley
19 March St James', Little Milton
26 March St Mary's, Great Milton
2 April St Peter's, Great Haseley
9 April St James', Little Milton

Come and See

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until

A big, warm open invitation to an adventure in faith and trust!
This is a Lent course prepared by the Diocese of Oxford, with videos and discussion, suitable for all who wish to explore Christian faith.
Wednesdays in Lent, at The Rectory, Great Milton, 7.00pm 
Please let the Rector know if you would like to attend (Simon Cronk, 01844 278349)
Week 1, 12 March - Fashioned from the earth
Week 2, 19 March - The waters of cleansing
Week 3, 26 March - The waters of Salvation
Week 4, 2 April - The water of life
Week 5, 9 April - The breath of God
Week 6, 16 April - New Fire

Food Bank Collection

Monthly. Every Third Saturday and Sunday at for 9 hours
St Peter’s Great Haseley
Church Hill Great Haseley Oxford, OX44 7JY, United Kingdom

Our village supports the local Thame Food Bank. On one weekend a month we invite contributions, with our church as the collection point. One of our members, who is a volunteer with the Food Bank, takes a carload of goods to Thame after the weekend.

Monthly, on the third weekend of the month

Holy Communion

Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter’s Great Haseley
Church Hill Great Haseley Oxford, OX44 7JY, United Kingdom

Common Worship, with hymns, on the third Sunday of every month, and followed by refreshments.

Family Worship

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter’s Great Haseley
Church Hill Great Haseley Oxford, OX44 7JY, United Kingdom

On the first Sunday of every month we have a short (max 45 minutes) family-friendly service, often with a special focus e.g. Rogation in a local farmyard in May, a pets’ blessing in the summer, and our Harvest Festival in October in a barn on another farm. There is a carpeted children’s area in the church, and there are always tempting refreshments afterwards.

Holy Week

for 7 days, 2 hours, 30 mins
St Peter’s Great Haseley
Church Hill Great Haseley Oxford, OX44 7JY, United Kingdom
St Mary the Virgin, Great Milton
Church Road Great Milton Oxford, OX44 7PN, United Kingdom
St James’, Little Milton
Church Hill Little Milton Oxford, OX44 7QB, United Kingdom

Services in Holy Week:
Palm Sunday (13 April) - 9.00 am Holy Communion, St Mary's, Great Milton
Maundy Thursday (17 April) -7.00 pm Holy Communion, St James', Little Milton
Good Friday (18 April) - 11.00 am Reflection at the Cross, St Mary's, Great Milton
Easter Eve (19 April) - 7.00 pm Easter Vigil, St Peter's, Great Haseley
Easter Sunday (20 April) - 10.30 Family Communion, St Peter's, Great Haseley

Easter Vigil

for 45 mins
St Peter’s Great Haseley
Church Hill Great Haseley Oxford, OX44 7JY, United Kingdom

At the Great Vigil of Easter we sit in the darkened church to hear a number of Bible readings, then go out into the churchyard to light the Paschal Candle from a fire pit. The candle is carried into the church while the Exsultet is sung by a single voice, proclaiming the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Morning Worship

In January, April, July, October. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter’s Great Haseley
Church Hill Great Haseley Oxford, OX44 7JY, United Kingdom

A monthly non-Eucharistic service for all the Benefice, and moving round the three churches, so that each one hosts it quarterly. Earlier the same day there is a BCP Holy Communion in one of the other churches.

Monthly in the Benefice, on the fourth Sunday, moving round the three churches

BCP Holy Communion

Sunday 25 May 2025 at for 30 mins
St Peter’s Great Haseley
Church Hill Great Haseley Oxford, OX44 7JY, United Kingdom

The traditional Prayer Book service, with no singing. Held on the fourth Sunday, every three months, in rotation with the other two churches.

Quarterly, on the fourth Sunday, in rotation with the other two churches.