Special Service for Rogation Sunday

for 1 hour
St Catherine
Birtles Lane Birtles Macclesfield, SK10 4RX, United Kingdom

At our family service, we will be celebrating Rogation Sunday in St. Catherine's church. It is an ancient church festival which marks that time of the year when nature bursts into life. The Over Alderley Band will again be joining with their music as we ask God's blessing for our community and its sustenance. It is service for everyone, please join us if you can.

St Catherine

Get in touch

Revd. Robin Pye

The Vicarage
Church Lane
Alderley Edge

Rev'd Robin Pye
01625 583249

Our website

What's on

Special Service for Rogation Sunday

for 1 hour
St Catherine
Birtles Lane Birtles Macclesfield, SK10 4RX, United Kingdom

At our family service, we will be celebrating Rogation Sunday in St. Catherine's church. It is an ancient church festival which marks that time of the year when nature bursts into life. The Over Alderley Band will again be joining with their music as we ask God's blessing for our community and its sustenance. It is service for everyone, please join us if you can.