From the VicarageDear FriendsEaster is almost upon us and the weather certainly has taken a turnfor the better, let us all hope and pray that this is the start of a trulyblessed Summer, which we all need following such a miserable win-ter.As we look forward to celebrating the joyful news of Easter morningand look forward to Summer and the start of the tourist season, let usjust spend a moment looking back at what has just gone. OurAPCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) are all about looking back,looking back at what we have done over the last year. It is a time forreflection and comment on why we did what we did, and to thankpeople for all that they have done in service for the church over thelast 12 months. Much of what makes our churches work goes on‘behind the scenes’ so to speak. People working quietly in the back-ground ensuring that our churches are open and welcoming for ser-vices, and that they are warm, dry and well maintained. Thank you toeverybody who makes our lovely churches work. Your help and sup-port is greatly appreciated.This article will come out just before Holy Week, and so I do hopethat you will try out some, if not all of the special services during thismost Holy period in the Churches year. If you do not manage to thisyear then how do you know that you do not like them? You might bepleasantly surprised. Have a try at some of the services next year,and perhaps have this as one of your ‘to do lists’ for Lent in 2026!!If there are Easter services that you think have not been includedthen please, please, please do let me know – but remember I amonly one person.I have listed all the Easter services opposite for you so that you haveeasy access to what is going on.May I take this opportunity of wishing you all a very blessed andjoyful Easter.Yours in ChristRobert
Coffee and Chat9th April at Mere and Tabley Community Club10.30 - 12.00 - Just drop in or stay longer.For further details Judy Hancock 07811614319 or
From the RegistersSt Mary’sFunerals24th January Derek Long aged 8528th January Hazel Henshaw aged 92St Mark’sBurial of Ashes21st February John Shuttleworth
Gentlemen’s LunchThe next lunch will be held at the usual venueThe Golden Pheasant,Plumley Moor Lane, PlumleyonThursday 17th April 2025, 12.45 for 1.00pm.……………Please note, it is essential that all those members interested in‘The Lakes Tour’ in May 2025,attend the above lunch to conclude travel and administration arrangements.New members and visitors are invited and always welcome to join our sociallunches. We meet every third Thursday of the month throughout the year.For further information please contact:Ed Wakefield 01565 830127 or Derek Moorhouse 01565 830398