Churchwardens Report

Churchwarden’s report for July 2024

The advertisement for the post of a new vicar, referred to in last

month’s magazine, produced a response which allowed for a meeting

to take place between the Bishop of Stockport, the Rural Dean, the

Patron of Rostherne with Bollington and representatives of the three

parishes of Dunham Massey, Over Tabley and Rostherne with


As a result the post of incumbent for the new benefice has been of-

fered: tantalisingly, because of the need for various checks and inquir-

ies to be carried out, it will not be possible for any announcement to

be made until August. What can be said is that, if all goes to plan,

the new incumbent will take up post in December.

It will be good to have a resident once more in the Vicarage to take

pastoral care of the people of the three parishes. No doubt there will

need to be changes to accommodate the needs of the four churches

in the new benefice. In the meantime the present pattern of services

covered by priests and lay readers will continue: they have each in

their various ways been a source of inspiration and have done us

proud during the interregnum.

That apart, the month of June thus far has been a quiet one.

Can I put in a plea for bellringers at St. Mary’s. We have an improving

team of ringers for practice nights on Wednesdays but don’t always

have a full complement of six for Sunday ringing. We could do with

more volunteers: if interested come along on any Wednesday

between 7.30 and 9 pm – no prior experience needed.

Can I also, now that the weather seems to have made a turn for the

better, put in a plea for volunteers to keep St.Mary’s open on Sunday

afternoons: we have some already but could do with more: let me

know if you are able to do so.

Christopher Tetlow