Jazz evening at Siddington Hall

for 2 hours, 30 mins
Siddington Village Hall
Congleton Road  Siddington Cheshire SK11 9JR What 3 words ///fuss.fictional.compelled

A great evening of entertainment from the group Jazzworks. Light refreshments will be provided and you can bring your own drink. The proceeds will be split between the village hall and Christie's Hospital.
Tickets are £10 and are available from Andy Venables 01260 224214.

St Peter's Church, Swettenham

St. Peter's Church is a beautiful, listed building serving the Parish of Swettenham. The village is situated some five miles north-west of Congleton on the banks of the River Dane, which flows though the parish in a delightful and unspoilt valley, breaking up the flat but well-wooded country lying to the north and south. To the east the plain rises gently to a background formed by the east Cheshire hills.

We aim to serve the parish as a broad church, a musical church, an active church, a church for all ages, a church where everyone is always welcome.

St. Peter's is part of the Diocese of Chester and the Church of England, and is one of the Rural Daneside Churches

We were very sorry to say goodbye recently to our vicar, Revd Ian Arch, who has moved on to a new life in Wales with his family. The Rural Daneside Churches are now in the process of finding and appointing a new vicar and, in the meantime, the work of the church continues.

For any enquiries, please use the "Get in Touch" page.

You can find service information under Services and events.   Sometimes we share services with St Michael's Church, Hulme Walfield. 

The parish of Swettenham: St Peter is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. For information, click "Safeguarding". 

Get in touch

Geoff Leech

If you don't receive an email reply, please check in your spam folder (in webmail as necessary). Consider including a phone number.

Church Warden
07831 808532
Benefice Administrator
01260 224447
What's on

Jazz evening at Siddington Hall

for 2 hours, 30 mins
Siddington Village Hall
Congleton Road  Siddington Cheshire SK11 9JR What 3 words ///fuss.fictional.compelled

A great evening of entertainment from the group Jazzworks. Light refreshments will be provided and you can bring your own drink. The proceeds will be split between the village hall and Christie's Hospital.
Tickets are £10 and are available from Andy Venables 01260 224214.