We are currently looking for a new vicar to lead our churches forward. Our parishes have worked together to produce a profile document which introduces the Rural Daneside Churches. It is available on the Diocese of Chester's vacancies page. The closing date for applications is 24th November 2024, with interviews on 6th December. In the meantime, we are working to ensure that we have as many of our usual services as possible across the church group. Please go to an individual church's Services and Events page to check.
If you have any names that you would like to be placed on the weekly pew sheet's prayer list, please would you email rural.daneside@gmail.com or leave a message on the vicarage answerphone on 01260 224447. It would be helpful if you could let us know which church you are with.It would also be very helpful if you could let us know when the name can be taken off the list. Thank you.
The postal address for the Benefice remains:The VicarageSchool LaneMartonMacclesfieldSK11 9HDThe Benefice office of the Rural Daneside Churches has been relocated from the Vicarage to new premises. It does not have a post box.The address is:Colshaw Heath FarmColshaw LaneSiddingtonMacclesfieldCheshireSK11 9LZThe office will usually be open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.To contact the benefice administrator, during her working hours of Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, the number is 07443 902 191.The dedicated number for christenings, baptisms, weddings and funerals is 07410 223386.The vicarage landline will continue to be monitored during the week.
Vindline Construction of Knutsford have been instructed by the Parochial Church Council to replace the gutters of St Peter's Church as they are leaking badly and were highlighted as a job to be done urgently in the quinquennial report. As the church is a listed building, certain conditions have tp be met to ensure listed status and that is why the work will cost so much. The work should be complete by 1st October. If you would like to contribute to the cost, please see Geoff, Church Warden and Treasurer, contact him by email geoffleech@uwclub.net or phone 07831 808532. You can also make online donations to the church using the QR code at the header of the article. If you are a UK tax payer, the church can receive an extra 25% of your donation at no cost to you. Please would you complete the attached form and return to the church or to Geoff. The name of the charity is Swettenham PCC. The total cost will be £11,390. Thank you.