Hulme Walfield and Somerford Booths Parish Council report


Application from Castle Green Housing planning reference: 22/1930C 

The Parish Council has submitted observations. At present it has recommended refusal of the application, principally because of the implications for Giantswood Lane and adjacent residential areas and rural lanes. However, following the very constructive public meeting with the applicants on the 27 July, significant revisions are expected to be submitted, with only emergency, pedestrian and cycle access from Giantswood Lane. 

On this basis, the Parish Council will retract the above and recommend approval with a number of other observations relating to rights of way infrastructure, speed limits, design code and wildlife/habitat conservation. 

Rural Housing Needs Survey 

The Parish Council has commissioned Cheshire Community Action, a local charity with expertise in supporting rural communities to influence development, to independently carry out a housing needs survey and assessment of the parish. The survey will provide information on the current housing needs of the parish and how this may change in the future. This will help the Parish Council influence future planning applications to help ensure they meet local needs. 

There will be a number of methods available to access the survey which should only take 15 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and all data will be used anonymously and solely for the purpose of informing the Parish Council and Local Authority of the current and future level of housing need. We will let everyone know as soon as the survey is live and hope that you will take part in this important process.

Grant Applications 

The Parish Council awards grants to not for profit organisations which can demonstrate a clear need for financial support to achieve an objective which will benefit the parish and its community. Examples of such objectives include:
* Proposals for additional tree planting or amenity areas which will benefit the wider community, and be accessible to it.
* Improvements to pedestrian or cycle accessibility. 
* Contributions towards purchase of fixed equipment, or tools to allow community groups to take care of amenity areas. 
To help establish groups whose specific remit has wider community benefit. Further details and an application form can be found on the website or by contacting the Clerk. Web address and contact details are below. 

Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 15th September at Westlow Mere Fisheries at 7.30pm. Dates for future meetings are posted on the noticeboards at Newsbank and St. Michael’s Church and are also available on the website,
Members of the public are encouraged to attend and there is a period of time set aside at the start of each meeting where residents can speak and ask questions. We look forward to seeing you there.
Clerk: Emma Bambrook
Telephone: 07967 302707
Email: [email protected]