About Us
Welcome to St. Luke's Church - a delightful, village church in the heart of the Cheshire countryside.
Within sight of the famous Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope, St. Luke's is in a prominent position in the village, near the school, pubs, shops and station. Its people and its activities have been an integral part of the village life since the Middle Ages, and they continue to play an active part in the community today.
Vicar Rev'd Canon Christine Broad 01477 533116
Church Wardens Andy Gill and Martin Corbishley
Verger Marilyn Lloyd
Parochial Church Council (PCC) As with all Anglican churches, the Parochial Church Council is the main authority and decision making body. In Goostrey, its members are elected at the AGM for a term of three years, running in rotation.
With the Vicar and Curate, the PCC also includes the PCC Secretary, the Church Treasurer and the Local Ministry Team. Lively discussion always ensues as members discuss the current issues in the church life. Ideas are aired and views expressed before any necessary decisions are taken.
PCC Secretary Liz Foster-Clark
Church Treasurer John Harris
Local Ministry Team
Recognising that the church is called to be ministering community, St. Luke's has vibrant teams of lay ministry who concentrate on different areas of church life.These include:
Worship and Learning Brian Barnett
Fabric The Churchwardens
Pastoral Care Helen Birchenough and Rosemary Cartwright
Outreach Angela Gilmore
Deanery Synod
The Deanery is made up of churches in the Congleton area and representatives meet to discuss issues appertaining to us allDeanery Synod Reps Andy Gill, Liz Foster-Clark, Tom Nestor.
Bell Ringing Tom Nestor 07775 747222