A letter from Andrew 'Bev' Bevington

My dear friends,

Embracing a New Season of Faith: Growing Deeper in God’s Love

As the vibrant colours of autumn surround us, we are reminded of the changing seasons and the beauty that comes with embracing new beginnings. Just as nature transitions, so too does our journey of faith. Today, we stand at the threshold of a new season of faith, ready to embark on a transformative journey with our Lord. In this new season, may each of us be renewed in our commitment to growing deeper in God’s love. It is a time for reflection, for seeking His guidance, and for surrendering our lives to His divine plan. As we open our hearts to His leading, may we experience a profound sense of purpose and fulfilment.

This season calls us to embrace a spirit of renewal, to let go of the burdens of the past, and to step into the abundant life that Christ promises. It is an invitation to deepen our relationship with Him, to seek His word diligently, and to allow His truth to shape our thoughts, actions, and decisions. In this new season of faith, let us be intentional about nurturing our spiritual growth. Together, as a community of believers, we can continue to build an inclusive, and outrageously generous, environment that fosters love, compassion, and support. Let us gather in prayer, worship, and fellowship, encouraging one another on this journey of faith.

As we embark on this new season, let us remember that faith is not stagnant; it is a living and dynamic force that propels us forward. It is through faith that we find strength in times of adversity, hope in times of uncertainty, and joy in the midst of challenges. Let us hold fast to our faith, trusting in God’s faithfulness and grace. May this new season of faith be marked by a renewed passion for sharing all this good news of Jesus Christ with others. Let us be bold in our witness, extending the invitation to experience the transforming power of His love. Through our words and actions, may we become beacons of hope, drawing others closer to the heart of God.

Andrew Bevington

Reader,  St Mary Astbury & St John the Baptist Smallwood