Astbury Church History Group

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 Did you know that one of the churchwardens was fined 28/- for refusing to subscribe to the ‘re-pewing and beautifying’ of the church in 1636?

...that there were 122 children in the Sunday school in 1833?

...that the spire was ‘much injured’ when struck by lightning in 1838?

...that there was no electricity till 1939?

...that we've just found a Marian mark, which was supposed to keep the church safe from evil,

… and that our green man has cat ears?

St Mary’s History Group is being revived, so please do join us. We aim to collect information about the history of our amazing church and to then find ways of sharing it with visitors. We also want to take photos of all parts of the church, and to do some work on the archives.

Contact Sally Drage for more information: 07977 903561, [email protected], or talk to her after a service.