The school summer holidays have finally started!

Notices From_the_Vicar Community_news

Thanks to the sterling work of many, & despite the rain, Altrincham Primary School was sent off to enjoy their summer holidays!

We started off on a very bittersweet note - both celebrating all that Year 6 had given to the school, all the ways that they had grown over the years, and also sending their off to pastures new! The pupils helped to plan the service - so it included their favourite songs, TSP (Teaspoon) prayers and their choice of a reading too. We were delighted to be joined by Rev Aled who came back from his new church to help leave the service, hand out Bibles to each pupil and (much to the relief of Rev Claire (!)) lead all the action songs - something he does very well! Mrs Watkins surpassed herself with both a montage of photos over the years, and a film of all the children dancing along to the most recent craze! (So recent and so cool it is, that Rev Claire can't remember its name!). Finally, Mrs Chrysler came up and gave us all some pearls of wisdom and encouragement as the next stage of Life's Adventures continue! After a few tears and lots of hugs, Year 6 disappeared ready for a well-earned break before starting anew in Year 7 - we will miss you all very much!

It was then a quick turnaround as we got ready for the next service - the end of Year Service for the rest of the school. It was lovely to see the palpable excitement so many had at the prospect of such a long holiday - songs were sung, prayers were said and finally the Year 3s moved us all to tears by collectively reading a poem together - they had spent the last term learning their lines, practising speaking on their own and together, and the results were tremendous! Well done!