St George's Day is celebrated in style!

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What a wonderful day!

We're never one to miss an opportunity to celebrate here at St George's, and this was no exception!

We started St George's day by raising a toast to all who are involved in St George's, for all the time, money and skills that people give, and for all that goes on. There was a choice between two rather lovely glasses of wine, and for those needing a soft alternative, our usual tea and coffees were still abundantly flowing!

Then it was time for a stunning Christening of one of our younger members. So confident was she in the space, that everyone felt at ease, and it was a really beautiful service.

Then it was a mad dash for a bit of lunch, before we had the privilege of welcoming Altrincham Scouting - including our Beaver, Cubs, Scouts and Explorer sections, there was a wonderful buzz as many young people headed off for a short parade before gathering in the church to celebrate all things Scouting. After so many years of being cancelled due to Covid, there was a wonderful feel of celebration and excitement which will no doubt get bigger and better as it builds up steam once again! The weather was kind,t he cakes were great, and each young person went home with yet another badge to add to their blankets.