What a great way to Celebrate Palm Sunday: a donkey and some food!

Lent Easter Church_news Community_news

We were joined by Ricky the donkey who, as ever, was perfectly behaved. We started off at the Cross outside the Orange Tree pub. There we blessed our palms (which many of us will keep until Ash Wednesday next year). Then, singing away we walked down the main road, up Townfield Road and into Church Walk.

Ricky and Donkey wasn’t completely convinced about going into church after having such a good walk, but soon happily walked down and enjoyed the rest of the service in centre stage.

It was particularly wonderful having so many children – as ever, they were wonderfully behaved and many enjoyed giving the donkey a stroke and then following on behind.

After all this excitement it was then time to gather for lunch – so many people stayed behind, it was wonderful! Such was our hunger (and such was the food in front of us) that we failed to get any pictures and instead spent the time eating and chatting, so our apologies!