Easter Saturday is marked by a poignant service with an Easter Fire

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Easter Saturday is one of the holy nights – following the Jewish Custom of a day starting when the sun set, so Christians throughout the world gather to light ‘Easter Fire’s’ either on the night before Easter Sunday or the morning of it. This is a traditional service, interweaved with the thoughts, patterns and practices of many centuries of Christians who have gone before us. But it’s also strikingly challenging and modern as it helps us to remember the hope that we have that is at the centre of our lives – a hope that keeps burning regardless of what life throws at us.

Our fire certainly burned well – made from the remains of our Christmas Tree we certainly were not cold! From there, we moved into church to renew our baptism vows and celebrate Christ’s rising.

Then at the end, we gathered around the Easter fire, enjoying the company of one another as the sun finally set (and a few marshmallows too!).And then it was off to get 400 balloons up into the rafters ready for Easter Sunday….!