What a celebration!

Easter Church_news Community_news

Easter Sunday is the highlight of the Christian year – the day when we celebrate Christ’s defeat of death as he rose again, see and witness by his disciples and many more around him. It’s a service centred around the Eucharist and contains some really lovely parts to it – our reading is read by a young person, and after the sermon, we decorate the cross with hundreds of daffodils – if you drive past church in the next few days you’ll see it standing proudly there.

One thing I’ve learnt about St George’s is that we like to celebrate in style – so this year we ended with a balloon drop and then hundred’s of Easter Eggs hidden around the church for our young people to find (and maybe a few older ones too!). The biodegradable balloons did a great job, and the tidy up didn’t take quite as long as we expected, so all were happy! I think we may have started a new tradition….!

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