About Us

Neston Parish Church is situated in the centre of the Town of Neston (on the Wirral). It is dedicated to St Mary the mother of Jesus and St Helen the mother of Constantine the first Christian Roman Emperor and is unique in the Anglican Church and can claim the first record of a stone church building going back to the 1100s. It was rebuilt in the gothic revival style between 1874 and 1875 on the site of the previous Norman church of the 12th Century. However, it is believed that this has been a worship site from much earlier times as indicated by the remains of grave marker crosses, dating from 930AD, which were found under the foundations of the old Norman church. The history of the town is reflected very strongly in the church. Many treasures are evident for viewing. These include:

The font in which Lady Hamilton, mistress of Lord Nelson was christened.

The original Charter of the Neston Female Society

Many spectacular stained glass windows including those designed and made by
Morris, Byrne-Jones, Hardman, Kempe and many others.

Viking Stones with a unique carving depicting Vikings fighting on horseback.

The Falklands Chapel rescued from HMS Plymouth prior to its demise.

The church is open for viewing daily and a small shop provides products for sale found nowhere else in the town.