Regular Activities


Age UK Reminder Finders Group 0900 – 1500 – Contact Lisa Cummings 0151 482 3456/07809391616

Dance Classes 1920 – 2035/2135 – Contact Sarah Lee on 07596648936


Tumble Tots Childrens Group 0915 – 1245 (Term time) – Contact Emma Lodge 07753 102299 E mail [email protected]

"Spin a Yarn" Craft Group 1400 - 1600 (2nd Tuesday)

Women's Group 1400 - 1600 (3rd Tuesday expect August and December)


Laughter Tots Wirral Baby Development Class 0930 – 1230 (Term time) – Contact Steph Ankers 07515 871598 E mail [email protected]

7th West Kirby Brownies - 17.45 - 19.15 (Term time) - Contact Girlguiding UK

1st West Kirby Guides 19.30 - 2100 (Term time) - Contact Girlguiding UK


Rock Choir 1000 - 1230 (Term time) – Contact Rebecca Broadbere 07824994672 /

West Kirby Boot Camp Training Class 1900 – 2000 – Contact Ron King

07561318743 E mail - [email protected]


Zumba 1000 – 1130 - Contact Lynne Connolly 07740798755

Tea Dance 1200 - 1600 – Contact Jackie Williams 07799701815


West Kirby Farmers Market 0900 - 1300 (4th Saturday of the month except December 3rd Saturday) – Contact [email protected]

Cleaning PM 1300 - 1500

St. Andrew's Mens Society (SAMS) 0930 - 1130 (1st Saturday of the month – 2nd in October) – Contact Ken Jones 07889365994

Craft Market (The Handcrafted Market) 1000 - 1500 – 13th April, 11th May, 8th June, 12th October, 9th November and 14th December

Contact Elliott O’Callaghan 07541797111 /


Tea and Coffee following Mass 1215 – 1315