Facilities and features
In St Bridget's Centre, including accessible toilet.
In St Bridget's Centre
By the entrance from St Bridget's Lane
When school is in session, St Bridget's Lane car park is often full. We recommend street parking in Church Road or Carpenters Lane.
In St Bridget's Centre
In St Bridget's Centre
All entrances are accessible except to the Vestry. Easiest approach is from the lychgate in Church Road to the North door.
Throughout the Church.
Please ask a sidesperson for printed materials.
Order of service for main service, and hymns, are available to download.
Several church members have had dementia awareness training
Please ask at the counter if it is not clear.
Gluten free Communion wafers available on request.
Our Building
Normally open weekdays until about 5pm.
Call the office 0151 625 2739 on a weekday morning if you wish to check
19 windows by C E Kempe, spanning the whole of his career
Bronze and Silver awards from A Rocha.
Grade II
Music and Worship
Eight bells, rung for Sundays and weddings.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Wednesday mornings in St Bridget's Centre
St Bridget's Baby Group, Fridays in term time, 10am - 12 noon, in St Bridget's Centre.
For babies up to 12 months, with a parent or carer.
Please email [email protected] if you would like to join.
Toddler group at Caldy Church.
Help for Visitors
In the northwest corner
Normally open daily until 5pm.
Other Features
We are in the Inclusive Church Directory and are happy to use the newly permitted prayers for same-sex couples. Unfortunately it is not yet legal for the C of E to perform same-sex marriages. Please contact the Rector or Office with enquiries.