Curates March Musings

Dear friends,

By the time you read this we will be in Lent and I will be no longer reading fiction together with making valiant attempts to live more simply. I have discovered a great independent shop. Weigh of the World is the first zero waste shop in Northwich. They provide customers with the ability to refill food and cleaning products in their own containers. They are trying to get people to move away from single use, throw away items. This is a great find especially as the Church of England have given a 40 day challenge to #Live Lent – Care for God`s creation.

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York write,” Lent is a time for reflection. It is a time to re-evaluate, a moment where we can turn away from the luxuries and distractions of daily life and face God. In so doing we face light, love and life.”

Our world was created by God. He looked at it and said it was good. God put us in charge of looking after the world. We don’t appear to be doing a great job. Each of us needs to remember our place in creation. It may come as a shock but you are not centre of the universe – I quite often forget. Each of us is a small part of a network that incorporates galaxies, billions of people and a cosmos that stretches back to the dawn of time.

If we look outside of ourselves and look instead to others and the world then we can make a difference.

As humans we have a responsibility to care for God`s creation. Where does this start? Not with George Eustice, the new Minister for the Environment - but with you and me.

Let`s make a difference

Love Christina