Daresbury Church News 16th May 2021

Sunday_after_Ascension_Day_10.30.pdf Download
Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices

I hope you and your family have had a good week and are well. The weather could be a bit better!

Apologies for what is a rather longer letter than usual, but there are a number of important matters to tell you about . Please read through to the end and if you have any questions, please contact me.

Thank you to all those who have responded so generously to Christian Aid week’s e-envelope scheme. I've just checked and it's now £600 plus Gift Aid making £698.75. This exceeds the modest target we set ourselves of £500. It’s not too late to make a donation, but it must be done by the end of Sunday 16<sup>th</sup> May, Here are the links:- https://envelope.christianaid.org.uk/envelope/all-saints-church-daresbury or

The period between the Ascension of Jesus, which we celebrated on Thursday and Pentecost next Sunday, has been designated as 10 days of special prayer on the theme ‘Thy Kingdom Come.’ It is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus.

You can find more about it and the special app here:- https://www.churchofengland.org/resources/daily-prayer-thy-kingdom-come

Continuing on the theme of prayer, so important to our Christian life, Gill has found a lovely sung video prayer for healing on YouTube here:- https://youtu.be/_8D3EhBcukI. If ever there was a time for prayer and healing after the events last 14 months, it is now. As you watch it remember the people of India, Brazil and those parts of the world still gripped by the Covid. Give thanks also for the way in which we as a country have responded to our own situation and pray for responsible behaviour as we move to Stage 3 and a further relaxation of the rules.

It’s difficult to say how the move to Stage 3 of the Government’s roadmap will directly affect us as a worshipping and missionary community. On Friday the CofE’s website, which we have used throughout the last 14 months as our guide to develop our own practice, pointed out that from 17<sup>th</sup> May the number of those attending a funeral will depend upon the building’s Covid-safe capacity. Previously it had been 30. In our case I think we can safely accommodate 40 without altering the current layout.

The number of those who can attend a wedding will also be increased from 15 to 30.

In both cases, masks must be worn and congregational singing is still prohibited.

At the moment we are keeping the number of tickets to be reserved through Eventbrite to 30. However, there is a waiting list available for each Sunday. So, if the first 30 have already gone, please go onto the list and I will review the situation each Saturday night and let you know.

The Government’s guidance on Places of Worship is being updated and the CofE’s guidance will be updated accordingly on May 17 or shortly thereafter.

It’s important to remember that Eventbrite has proved to be a very important tool since the pandemic began. Not just for us, but also for 1000s of Parish Churches and Cathedrals all over the country. It enables us to keep a record of those who attend and to meet the demands of NHS Track and Trace. It is also recommended by the national Church as a way of recording attendance. But above all it assures you, as best we can, that the Church is as Covid-safe as possible.

Two dates for your diaries. The gardens at Hall Lane Farm, Daresbury will be open next Sunday from 12.00noon to 5.00pm as part of the National Garden Scheme. Admission £5.00 for adults and children are free and all proceeds go to charity. You can find out more information at https://ngs.org.uk/view-garden/36612 although refreshments may not available this year.

The only other date is that for the PCC AGM on Thursday at 7.30pm on Zoom. I can only repeat what I said last week. There will be a report from our Churchwardens, Steve Lander and Mark Longstaff, and also Gill, on their continuing discussions as to the future of the parish, Over the last 6 months they have worked tirelessly and very responsibly in the discussions with the Diocese and the parish of Norton. They have shared all this with the PCC, who have been grateful for what they have done. The Archdeacon has been very appreciative of their open and honest approach. They will be able to report progress at the meeting and you will be able to hear first-hand the outcome of their discussions so far. They deserve your full attention and continuing support, as it is them that the Diocese and the team at Norton will be expecting to work with in future discussions.

You can find the meeting details and more information here:-https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/12623/news/54700/arrangements-for-agms-on-20th-may/ from where you can also download nomination forms. Copies of the Annual Report are available from the Vicarage and can be found here:- https://media.acny.uk/media/news/post/2021/04/Annual_Report_and_Finances_2021.pdf

Finally, tomorrow’s service is attached.

With God’s blessing,
