Daresbury Church News 22nd November 2020

Morning_Prayer_22nd_Nov_2020_Christ_the_King.pdf Download
Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news Notices

Dear All,

I hope you’ve had a good week and that you and your family are all well.

First a correction to the date I gave out for the Carols in the Car Park service. It should have read 20th December  not 18th December. Thanks to those who pointed it out to me!

At present we are continuing to plan for the Christmas themed services and events I mentioned last week. I shall say more about them in the next few weeks. In the meantime, you might like to know about our services for the next two weeks.

This Sunday marks the end of the Church’s year. The theme is Christ the King and the service is attached. Gill will be leading it from the Church. There will be a streamed Facebook Live service in the afternoon at 4.00pm led by Simon.

Our weekday morning services at 10.00am on Facebook will continue as will the Friday afternoon 4.00pm reflection on the week just gone. This pattern will continue for the time being.

Next Sunday (29<sup>th</sup> November) is Advent Sunday, the beginning of the new Church year. This means that for the next 12 months we shall be focusing on St. Mark’s Gospel outside the major festivals and the seasons of Advent, Epiphany, Lent and Easter. As we will still be in Lockdown 2, the Church will not be open, but we can stream from the Church. The service that day will be Morning Prayer and I will be leading it.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. Its all very complicated! God continues to lead us in all that we do to further the mission of His Church.

With God’s blessing,
