Daresbury Church News 12th July 2020

Morning_Prayer_11_07_2020.docx Download
Church_news From_the_Vicar Community_news News_about_our_building Notices

Dear All,

I hope you and your family are all well.

Over the last few months, we have been focusing on our church and community life. It’s been easy to forget that we are part of a much larger Anglican church. So, no apologies for starting off this week’s news with a look further afield.

For many years, we have supported USPG as a partner in God’s mission across the world. This week they wrote thanking us for our support in 2019 during which we raised £538.70, mainly from the Lent lunches. Thank you for your support last year. Unfortunately, this year we had to cancel our Lent lunches after only one because of ‘lockdown.’ So, our contribution is in danger of being much reduced unless we make a special appeal. That would be a poor reflection on our priorities as a church.

They have written to me asking whether there are one or two members of our congregation who would be willing to act as parish contacts. I know there have been some in the past, but for the life of me I cannot remember who, for which I apologise profusely. Anyway, if you are interested in being a contact i can send you the role description and latest newsleter. It would be great if we could have two, or more, volunteers. Having more than one would help spread the load. Please let me know if you are interested.

Thursday last week saw the installation of the new Archbishop of York. You may have seen some brief reports on the news. If you go to our Youtube channel here:- 


you’ll find two videos in the playlist headed Church of England showing the service and which maybe of interest. By the way you’ll also find a playlist of videos for families which may help you and your children explore our faith during this time when the church is closed.

We are well on the way to be able to open the Church for Sunday worship. The Facilities Team have been looking at how we can best arrange the seating and keeping a safe distance. We think we have a solution based on the points I outlined in last week’s email. I shall be talking to the Standing Committee about all this on Thursday. Please hold that meeting in your prayers, asking that God guide us in our planning and discussions.

Don’t forget that the Daniell Chapel is open for private prayer every Sunday from 2.00 – 4.00pm. We had more pilgrims last week than the previous week, so keep spreading the news.

Tomorrow’s service is also attached. I know that Gill circulated it earlier today but just I case you missed it……

To finish I want to go back to where I started by looking at the bigger picture. I have spent most of today in a Zoom meeting of General Synod. We heard many encouraging and uplifting stories from parishes all over the country as to how they are responding to Covid-19. God has been good to all of us as each parish, ours included, has responded to the challenges in our different ways and contexts.

Afterwards I came across this prayer which I’ll leave with you:-

O God, beyond all time and space, eternal, unchangeable: Have pity upon our ignorance and upon the confusion of our efforts. Help us to understand the anxieties of others and to know our own limitations. By thy Holy Spirit raise us above all strife and prejudice, scorn and bitterness, that in the calm light of thy manifold wisdom we may be drawn together in a common will to serve thee and set forward thy kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

With God’s blessing,
