Monthly. Every Third Tuesday at for 2 hours
Venue Address
Norley Road Norley WA6 8NE, WA6 8NE, United Kingdom
Enjoy a meal cooked for you in good company. No need to book in advance. Donations are appreciated but not essential!
Next meets on Tuesday, 21st January 2025, 12 noon to 2pm.

St John's Norley

St John's Church, Norley belongs to the Benefice of Norley, Crowton, Kingsley with Alvanley and Manley.  The plan of when services are held in each church can be found under the Services and Events tab.

Get in touch

What's on

Meet and Eat

Monthly. Every Third Tuesday at for 2 hours
NCK Centre adjacent to Norley Church
Norley Road Norley WA6 8NE, WA6 8NE, United Kingdom

Enjoy a meal cooked for you in good company. No need to book in advance. Donations are appreciated but not essential!
Next meets on Tuesday, 21st January 2025, 12 noon to 2pm.

Our Norley, Crowton, Kingsley with Alvanley and Manley