Family Eucharist

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary Without - the - Walls
Overleigh Road Chester, CH4 7HL, United Kingdom

Family Eucharist

St Mary Without - the - Walls

St Mary Without-the-Walls is situated in Handbridge, south of the River Dee, in the historic city of Chester. The present church was built in 1887 to replace the original St Mary’s On-the-Hill, now a heritage centre within the city walls.

St Mary's is only usually open for visitors/private prayer on Tuesdays 10-12, Wednesdays 10-12 and Thursdays 10:45 - 12:00.

We hope that you can find the information you are looking for on our website: where you will find out about our church community, when our services are, what we do in them, and what kinds of things we do together.

Alternatively you may need to talk with someone at church about something specific like a wedding or a baptism, or you may be bereaved or otherwise distressed and need someone to help. Whatever your issue, we are here to offer help and support. Please make contact through the Parish Office (01244 671202); [email protected]

Get in touch

Parish Administrator, Doris Keen

St Mary Without - the - Walls,
Overleigh Road,

Doris Keen: Parish Administrator
01244 671202

Our website

What's on

Family Eucharist

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary Without - the - Walls
Overleigh Road Chester, CH4 7HL, United Kingdom

Family Eucharist


Safeguarding Policy Statement

St Mary Without-the-Walls Church, Overleigh Road, Handbridge, Chester CH4 7BB

1. At St. Mary’s we recognise that children and young people are an important part of our Church life and that they have much to give as well as to receive. We will listen to them and will respect their wishes and feelings as we nurture them in worship, learning and in community life.

2. We adopt the principles of the Church of England's Safeguarding Policies for Children and for Vulnerable Adults as authorised by the House of Bishops.

3. We acknowledge that the Church has much to offer children and young people and the adults who care for them, and that our work with them is the responsibility of the whole Church. With this in mind we look to providing a safe, trusting environment in which all may grow in the love of God.

4. It is the responsibility of each one of us to prevent the physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children and young people and to report any abuse discovered or suspected. The approach is one of “informed vigilance”.

5. We are committed to supporting all those who work with children and young people in either a paid or voluntary capacity. This includes all matters relating to recruitment, supervision, training and review.

6. As a parish we are committed to good practice in Child Protection, following the guidelines and procedures set down by the Diocese, in partnership with the CCPAS (the Churches' Child protection Advisory service). This includes full compliance with the requirements set out by The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). All DBS disclosures (formerly known as CRB clearance) obtained on behalf of volunteers and children’s staff in the Parish shall be renewed every five years. The Child Protection Advisory Group for the Diocese is an additional source of support.

7. Volunteers and staff working with and alongside children and young people at St Mary's are expected to know and uphold the Good Practice Guidelines as recommended by the Diocese.

8. All Group Leaders will liaise with St Mary’s designated officer for safeguarding. The Incumbent is the St Mary’s PCC safeguarding representative.

The St Mary’s Designated Officer for Safeguarding is:
Ms. Gemma Parisi

+44 (0) 7754 894748

[email protected]

The St Mary’s Safeguarding Representative (PCC) is:

Lynne Jones and David Gilburt (Churchwardens)

The Diocese of Chester Safeguarding Team:

Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser

Pauline Butterfield

01928 718834 x 221

07703 800031

[email protected]

Diocesan Safeguarding Training and Policy Officer

Stephen Ellis

01928 718834 x 261

[email protected]