Our Lady of Walsingham Cell

Our parish Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham meets regularly to pray and reflect on issues around Mary, the world, and the Shrine at Walsingham and is open to all.


Our Lady of Walsingham Parish Cell Activities

Statue and Prayer Board : By the entrance to our Lady Chapel is our statue, prayer board and votive stand to Our Lady of Walsingham for personal prayer, refection and devotion. 

Our Lady of Walsingham Cell Votive Mass : Every first Saturday of the month in the Lady Chapel all warmly welcome to join our monthly Votive Mass. The mass is normally taken by an Associate Priest of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham.  We plan to restart these Masses in 2022 and are currently suspended due to Covid.

Summer Festival of our Lady of Walsingham : Our summer festival normally with High Sung Mass with Benediction with a guest preacher. 

Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham : Walsingham has been a place of Christian pilgrimage and prayer for nearly 1,000 years. As a parish we regular undertake an organized pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham with services, prayer time, opportunity for personal retreat and also group activities.  Please talk to Fr Steve if you are interest in any future pilgrimages. 

Members of the Society are able to unite themselves more closely with the Shrine’s work of intercessory prayer by joining the Living Rosary of Our Lady of Walsingham. More details online here:- https://www.walsinghamanglican.org.uk/worship/the-living-rosary/