Facilities and features
Male, Female & accessible toilets available at Service and Event times.
Available in the accessible toilet facility
One specified disabled bay and room for ten other cars.
Accessible toilet which includes baby change facilities
Ramped access is not required as there are no steps into the Parish Hall or Church.
There are double doors for wide wheeled prams and chairs.
Induction loop available
Large print service sheets & books available at every service
There are no steps into the Parish Hall or Church.
There are double doors for wide wheeled prams and chairs.
Our Building
East Window is unusual in that it has the 4 Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael & Uriel
Lady Chapel has 5 windows relating to the life of Mary
Currently Thursdays 10:00am to 12noon - to be expanded in the New Year
Grade 2* building
Music and Worship
Groups, Courses and Activities
Monthly Coffee Market on varied dates with cakes and other items for sale.
Help for Visitors
Other Features
We collect for the Wirral Food Bank - leave in the labelled box at the back of church.
To rent the Hall contact 0151 644 9337 or [email protected] for availability and charges