Sunday Services at St James

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St James
St James, Hoylake Road / Laird Street Junction Birkenhead Wirral, CH41 8JN, United Kingdom

Our weekly Sunday Service takes place at St James Church Building on the junction between Laird Street and Hoylake Road. There is a small public car park at the end of Sumner Road. The Church building is easily accessible for all: there are no steps on the way in and we have plenty of space inside. Services currently last for around an hour and are followed by refreshments. All are welcome and we have plenty of space for everyone. Do give us a call with any questions on 0151-652-1016. Thank you.

Holy Communion Services are usually on the second Sunday of the month.

Family and All-Age Services at St James

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St James Parish Church
St James Parish Church, Junction of Laird Street and Hoylake Road, CH41 8JN, United Kingdom

On the first Sunday each month our regular Morning Service at St James Parish Church offers worship that is more interactive, thinking especially of families and children (of all ages) who like to get up and get involved. Everyone is welcome to join us as we meet with Jesus in fresh ways.

First Sunday each month

Hall Bookings

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at for 6 hours
St Bede
Upton Road, Claughton Village, Wirral, CH41 0DF, United Kingdom

St Bede's Community Centre is available for group bookings on weekdays, except when our Parent and Toddler Group is running. We have a generous open hall with a catering sized kitchen, as well as a dedicated smaller meeting room that can be booked separately. We are an accessible building with rooms on one level and a disabled toilet. Assistance animals are welcome.
Please note, as St Bede's Chapel is a consecrated building for Christian Worship, we are not able to host religious festivals or groups meeting to celebrate other faiths or spiritualities. All are welcome for community events. Thank you.

Services at St Bede's

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Bede
Upton Road, Claughton Village, Wirral, CH41 0DF, United Kingdom

Our weekly Service of Holy Communion in the peaceful surroundings of St Bede's Chapel. Our Service begins at 9.30am and last for half an hour. Please use the side entrance to St Bede's in Scotts Place for direct access to the Chapel. Thank you.

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides

Every Tuesday at for 5 hours
St Bede
Upton Road, Claughton Village, Wirral, CH41 0DF, United Kingdom

Groups arrange their own admissions and programme of activities. Do get in touch if you'd like us to forward your contact details to the Group Leaders for them to get in touch. Thank you.

Term time only

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

Every Wednesday and Friday at for 5 hours
St Bede
Upton Road, Claughton Village, Wirral, CH41 0DF, United Kingdom

Groups arrange their own admissions and programme of activities. Do get in touch if you'd like us to forward your contact details to the Group Leaders for them to get in touch. Thank you.

Term time only - Scouts are on Fridays

Bumble Bedes

Every Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Bede
Upton Road, Claughton Village, Wirral, CH41 0DF, United Kingdom

Our Term-time Stay and Play toddler group for parents and carers with their children. Please get in touch for details. Thank you.

Meets during School Term-time. Please get in touch for details.

Weddings at St Bede's in Claughton

Every Saturday at for 10 hours
St Bede
Upton Road, Claughton Village, Wirral, CH41 0DF, United Kingdom

St Bede's Chapel is licensed for Church of England Weddings. With our large Community Centre and catering-sized kitchen, we can also offer the ideal venue for an easy Wedding Reception too. If you'd like to find out more about getting married at St Bede's, please phone our Vicar Revd Keith Addenbrooke on 0151-652-1016.
A marriage is a legal commitment, and so please note there are some eligibility criteria and ID checks to complete before a booking can be confirmed.

Please note: we can arrange a wedding for a week day if a Saturday is not your preference.

Children's Parties

Every Saturday at for 6 hours
St Bede
Upton Road, Claughton Village, Wirral, CH41 0DF, United Kingdom

St Bede's Community Centre is a popular venue for young childrens' birthday parties. We are usually able to let out the centre on Saturdays. To find out more, please get in touch, either on our general number 0151-652-1016 or the dedicated number for Hall bookings: 07925-350508. If you'd like to contact us online, please complete the "Send us a Message" form on our "Get in Touch" page.

Parties are arranged as separate bookings.