Some of our Sunday services are moving in to the Punchbowl pub! We will meet at 10.30 for morning prayer followed by refreshments. Morning Prayer services will be in Christ Church on the 1st Sunday of the month.All Holy Communion services will remain in church. These are on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, and on Thursday mornings. There is also a social space open after the Thursday service for chat, board games and use of the library, along with usual refreshments.You are all most welcome, and we hope to see you soon!
It's a difficult and worrying time for many at the moment, so we hope this will reach out and bring the community together in thought and prayer. This event is running on our facebook page, which can be found here: join us. If you would prefer to send a private message then feel free. If you, or someone you know, would like to speak to a member of the church team on the phone, please get in touch. Neither you nor they have to be a Christian, and may just want a friendly chat.