8:30am Sunday Service

Every Sunday at for 50 mins
Christ Church, Cockermouth
Sullart Street Cockermouth, CA13 9RU, United Kingdom

Join us for a quiet reflective start to Sunday. Our spoken service of the word starts at 8:30am every 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays. On 3rd Sundays of the month we enjoy Holy Coummunion using the Book of Common Prayer (BCP)

10am Sunday Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church, Cockermouth
Sullart Street Cockermouth, CA13 9RU, United Kingdom

Join us for our contemporary Sunday service in church including sung worship led by our own worship band on 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.

On 1st and 3rd Sundays we have a slightly more traditional service including sung worship led by a pianist.

We celebrate Holy Communion using Roots or Common Worship every 3rd Sunday of the month.

Our 10am service is also available as a livestream via our YouTube channel see link below.

Families and Children:
We have a comfy creche area at the back of church with a small collection of toys for children aged 2 and under. We restarted our Children’s Church in September 2021 with a supervised activity table at the back of Church on 1st and 3rd Sundays. We hope to develop from this to offering a more extended Children’s Church back in the Church rooms once we have sorted rotas and resources and seen how many families are coming into church.

On 2nd Sundays families are encouraged to join our afternoon Messy Church which is planning to restart on the 12th September with an Outdoor Messy Church on Fairfield School field.

On 4th Sundays we plan to reintroduce our family café style service with children’s activities on the tables. We hope this may restart in October or November.

Before and after the service we share in refreshments and fellowship.

Messy Church

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, December. Every Second Sunday at for 2 hours
Christ Church, Cockermouth
Sullart Street Cockermouth, CA13 9RU, United Kingdom

We are excited to be restarting our Messy Church on September 12th at 4pm. Normally our Messy Church is held in Christ Church but for September and possibly October we are holding it outside on Fairfield School Field (between Fern bank and Lamplugh Road opposite St Joseph's School).

Messy Church is a fresh expression of church centred around a monthly bible theme explored through all age activities, a short talk, sometimes video, prayer and then we share a two course meal together.

Whilst you will get the most messy time by joining us at 4pm don't worry if life is busy you are welcome to join us at any time. There will be lots of messy activities for an hour and then we will spend a short time learning a little bit more about Jesus through a short talk and or video. We then finish by enjoying a two course meal together (Or picnic if outside) so you don't have to cook for your family afterwards.


Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church, Cockermouth
Sullart Street Cockermouth, CA13 9RU, United Kingdom

Our Parish Youth group "JUMP" (Jesus Use My Potential) gives young people the opportunity to meet fortnightly during term time to enjoy fun games, bible discussion and outings. Additionally once a year JUMP enjoy a weekend away in the Lake District.

In addition to joining "JUMP" our young people are valuable members of church involved in communion, operating the sound desk, helping with Children's Church, 4th Sunday and Messy Church.


Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins

Lighthouse is a space for young adults (17-30's) to meet up to enjoy great fellowship as well as exploring the Christian faith.

Lighthouse meets Wednesday's fortnightly between 19:15-20:45 on Woodville Park (opposite Christ Church Cockermouth) as well as social events throughout the year including walks, takeaways and film evenings.

Each fortnightly session consists of half an hour of chatting and catching up, 30-45 minutes of Christian discussion and 15 minutes of prayer often using a Worship song video.

Lighthouse is open to everyone and although we study the bible there is no requirement for any prior knowledge, we navigate it together whilst having fun!

If you are a young adult interested in exploring the Christian faith and live in and around Cockermouth get in touch and come and join us.
Contact Robert on [email protected] for more details or join us on Facebook