As a team we've put in a huge amount of work over the last two years to raise funds for our Heritage project. Despite everyone who worked with us from the National Lottery believing we had a fantastic project, the decision-making committee did not award us a grant. This is hugely disappointing for the whole community, but isn't the end of our plans.
We have some funded work already underway - the cross fragment is being conserved in York (funded by the Veneziana Trust) and we have planning permission for the conversion of the Old Laundry to include toilet facilities (funded by Copeland Community Fund).
We have decided the best approach is to break the project into chunks, applying to as many small funders as we can. The most expensive work will be that needed on the church to sort out the damp problem. This will cost over £120000! Many of the bodies who give large grants require 50% matched funding so we need to focus on building up a "war chest" towards this work. This is a huge challenge for us, but we are committed to getting the work done - we have a responsibility for this ancient building which means such a lot to the community. We can't be the generation who allow it to decay.
Keep following our progress here or on Facebook.