About Us

The church community that gathers at St Mary's is friendly and warm hearted. We'd love to welcome you and are more than happy to greet families, walkers, visitors, and dogs!

Members of the congregation are involved in welcoming you, in reading the lessons from the Bible, which we believe is God's Word for us, in leading prayers, in sharing the cup in communion services, and we're growing in confidence in leading services too.

1st Sunday in month  -  Communion by extension 11am

2nd Sunday in month  -  11am, Holy Communion

3rd Sunday in month  -  11am Holy Communion  

4th Sunday in month  -  0930 Holy Communion

We make every effort is made to try to adhere to the above services. Contact the churchwardens or see the notice board for up to date information. We apologise for the inconvenience but some chages are inevitable.

 A church was first established on this site in the aftermath of the Dissolution of the Monasteries when Cartmel Priory was dissolved as part of the Henrician Reformation and a chapel was built on the present site using materials from Cartmel. This occured around 1537. After three restorations the church was opened as a church by the Bishop of Carlisle on May 29th 1897 and dedicated to St Mary the Virgin.The Lych Gate was erected as a War Memorial in 1927. It was constructed of locally grown oak grown in the parish.The churchyard contains numerous headstones and also some vaults, some of which are hewn in the rock.

Safeguarding: we take keeping safe all who have anything to do with our services and activities seriously. We have a Parish Safeguarding policy which adopts the National Policy; and a Parish Safeguarding Officer: Helen Norrie, whose contact details are available on the noticeboard in church.
