About Us
Worship: Sunday 9.30am Parish Eucharist (Common Worship Order One) with Taize chants
Monthly Sunday 6pm Taize Service on the first Sunday (except Aug/Jan)
In 2024 St Mary’s will be 200 years old and we will celebrate two centuries of worship in this lovely chapel tucked into the rocky fellside near Rydal Hall and Rydal Mount. We continue to offer weekly worship on Sunday mornings at 9.30am, gathering to praise God, to pray, to sing and to share holy communion. Founded by Lady le Fleming, the site for St Mary’s was chosen after consultation with William Wordsworth and, no doubt, other local families. William served as churchwarden in the tenth year after the chapel was consecrated, and many visitors come during the week to experience the peace of God and prayerful sense of presence in the quiet, luminous church surrounded by a beautiful churchyard.
Our stained glass windows remember former worshipping families too, and colour the sunlight streaming in. The east window always has a gentle, diffused glow, of the risen Christ ascending in glory, the culmination of Jesus’ mission of love, empowered by the Spirit, in reunion with the Father.
We look forward to welcoming you.