Throughout the lead up to Easter, St Oswalds offers a variety of opportunities for reflection, worship and prayer. See "Services and events" for details, or here are our services at a glance:Ash Wednesday: St Oswalds Church 11 am Wednesday 5 MarchLent Reflections: Rydal Hall 10 am Mondays 10 March, 17 March, 24 March, 31 MarchPalm Sunday Procession of Palms: gather at Moss Parrock 10:45 am Sunday 10 AprilHoly Week Prayers at Nightfall: St Oswalds 7 pm Monday 14, Tuesday 15, Wednesday 16, Thursday 17 AprilGood Friday Act of Witness: Moss Parrock 1:30 pm Friday 18 AprilGood Friday Final Hour at the Cross: St Oswalds 2 pm Friday 18 April Easter Sunday Sunrise Vigil: St Oswalds churchyard 5:45 am Sunday 20 AprilEaster Sunday Celebration: St Oswalds 11 am Sunday 20 April
Click here <a href=",-3.0237287,3a,75y,65.49h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipNUHMN1-FEuEMGl9yraL-PkwrFsxkp8ZvfPfvf7!2e10!3e12!7i10240!8i5120">St Oswalds church - Google Maps</a> to look round inside the church.