About Us

The Parish Church of Saint Michael and All Angels, Beetham is at the heart of a picturesque and thriving village community in a beautiful part of south Cumbria.  The parish church was founded in Saxon times and formerly dedicated to St Lioba.  Following the Norman conquest the dedication was changed to that of St Michael & All Angels.  The church was enlarged and rebuilt, and remains substantially the same but with additions in the Early English perpendicular style together with Victorian/Edwardian modifications. 

It is a Grade 1 listed building with seating for more than 250 and is often used for special events throughout the year.

The regular pattern of worship is Parish Eucharist (Common Worship, choral, traditional language) on Sunday mornings and sung Evensong on Sunday evenings. Holy Communion (BCP) is celebrated in the Lady Chapel on Wednesdays and daily in Holy Week

Situated in the Arnside and Silverdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and with 5 holiday parks in the parish we offer a warm welcome to visitors to our worship, and all are invited to join us for coffee every Sunday morning and the first Wednesday of each month

For more information please visit our website at www.beethamstmichaelandallangels.co.uk


The Parochial Church Council of The Parish Church of Saint Michael and All Angels, Beetham have adopted unanimously 'Promoting a Safe Church' (The Church of England's House of Bishop's Safeguarding Policy for Children and Adults) to ensure the care and protection of children, young people and adults involved in Church activities.

We recognise that this is the responsibility of everyone who participates in the life of the Church, and is a key aspect of our witness as a Christian community and strive to ensure a church is a safe and welcoming place for all.

A copy of the House of Bishop's policy can be found at:


The Parish Safeguarding Officer for St Michael and All Angels, Beetham is Sue Smalley, who can be contacted on 015395 64778 or at [email protected].

The Carlisle Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Charles Proctor, who can be contacted on 07458 016884 or at [email protected].